
Jogging Paths

Breathe in... and breathe out.

The hôtel de la rue de Lille has picked up three outdoor jogging paths for you, in gardens or by the Seine. Make it pleasant, and do stop to enjoy the city and its monuments.

Path 1 : All The Way To The Palais Des Tuileries

Running distance: about. 3,5 km – 20 min
Break A: The Louvre Pyramid
Built in 1989 to commemorate the bicentennial of the French Revolution, it is now the main entrance to the museum.

Break B: The Arc De Triomphe Du Carrousel
Built in 1806 at the request of Emperor Napoleon I to commemorate his victories over Europe, it was originally situated in the Tuileries courtyard, and is today the first monument of the Axe historique that crosses the west side of Paris.

Break C: Le Palais Des Tuileries
It was built in 1563 by Catherine de Medici and destroyed in 1883, after it was burned by the 1871 Paris Commune.

Break D: Le Jardin Des Tuileries
This park truly is an open-air collection of statuary, with, among others, bronzes from Auguste Rodin, Aristide Maillol and Paul Belmondo.

Break E: The Musée De L’Orangerie
This museum was built in 1852, and redesigned to house Claude Monet’s series of Waterlilies; numerous impressionist and post impressionist paintings are also kept there.

Break F: The Pont Royal
The third oldest bridge in Paris was built in 1689 under the reign of Louis XIV, in line with the former Palais des Tuileries.

Path 2 : Paris’s Islands

Running distance: about 5.5 km – 35 min
Break A: The Bouquinistes of Paris
The 900 bouquinistes’ green boxes are a UNESCO World Heritage site ; a number of old books, engravings and periodicals can be found there...

Break B: The Institut De France
This monument was founded by the cardinal of Mazarin, and now groups ve academies: Fine Arts, Sciences, Moral and Political Sciences, Humanities, and the renowned French Academy.

Break C: The Quais De Béthune And D’Orléans
These two very aristocratic quays of Ile Saint-Louis were built from 1614 to 1646. Georges Pompidou -the President of the French Republic from 1969 to 1974- lived at n.24, quai de Béthune.

Break D: The Marché Au Fleurs (The Flower Market)
A bucolic market, both covered an open-air and mainly formed by pavilions of metal from the 1900s; on Sundays, it hosts the bird market.

Break E: The Conciergerie And The Palais De La Cité
From the 10th century to the 14th century, this palace was the seat of the Kings of France. In 1370, it then housed the Parliament, and served as a prison during the French Revolution. Marie-Antoinette was held prisoner here in 1793, just before she was executed.

Break F: The Pont Neuf
This bridge was built from 1578 to 1604, and inaugurated in 1607 ; despite the meaning of its name -the new bridge-, it is the oldest one in Paris.

Path 3 : To The Eiffel Tower

Running distance: about 8 km. 50 min.
Break A: The Gare D’Orsay
The station was built for the 1900 Great Exhibition, and was closed in 1939. In 1977, the French Government decided to use it as a museum, and listed it as a historical monument.

Break B: The Pont De La Concorde
This bridge was raised between 1787 and 1791, and was partly built with stones taken from the demolished Bastille fortress.

Break C: The Saint-Louis Des Invalides Cathedral
Also known as the « Eglise du soldat » - « the soldier’s Church »-, it hosts a number of tombs of soldiers who died in action. Napoleon I is also buried there.

Break D: The Champs De Mars
The Champ de Mars is a 24-hectare public garden, located between the Eiffel Tower and the Ecole Militaire. On Bastille’s Day (14th July), this is where the rework is traditionally set o .

Break E: The Eiffel Tower
Also nicknamed « la Dame de Fer » -the Iron Lady-, it was built for the 1889 Great Exhibition, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution. Its construction lasted 2 years, 2 months and 5 days. It is 324 metres high, and weighs 7,500 tons approximately. It’s the second most visited site in Paris, after the Notre-Dame Cathedral.

Break F: The Pont Alexandre III
This bridge was inaugurated during the 1900 Great Exhibition. It was built in line with the esplanade des Invalides and hosts the Showcase -one of Paris’s most famous nightclubs- in its foundations.